J’ai la solution à ton problème !

Dis-moi est-ce que tu veux ? 

Rendre ton business mémorable,
 te démarquer de tes concurrents,
 attirer ton client idéal...

 C'est possible !


Je te présente...

En savoir +


Est ce que ça te parle ?

Tu n’es pas convaincue par.......et pourtant tu y passes un temps considérable.

Tu n’arrives pas à traduire ce que tu as en tête, et te sens frustrée en voyant le résultat.

Quand tu vois ce que toi tu fais... tu te sens nulle.
Tu ne transmets pas réellement qui tu es, quelles sont tes valeurs.

Est ce que tu aimerais pas plutôt ? 

Tu veux ça...

Tu arriveras à ça....

Tu te sentiras comme ça ....

Tu auras....ça grâce à ça....

J’avais dis que j’avais la solution non ? 

Prête ? 

Alors voici mon programme

Il se déroule sur 3 axes :

Consolidation stratégique

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

Consolidation stratégique

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

Consolidation stratégique

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

découpé en 6 modules : 

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 1

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 3

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 2

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 6

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 5

All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons were empty, for the passengers had taken refuge in their cabins; and two-thirds of the guests were missing at lunch and dinner. Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players' hands. The chess-men were unmanageable.

module 4

Et j’ai demandé à des expertes dans leur domaine d’intervenir !

Le but : t’aider, t’accompagner dans tes expertises annexes à la mienne ! Afin de maximiser la ou les solutions qu’on mettra en place.

experte en branding va t’aider te conseiller dans ton image de marque


experte en branding va t’aider te conseiller dans ton image de marque


experte en branding va t’aider te conseiller dans ton image de marque


Comment ça marche ? 

Tu auras accès un slack pour échanger avec les autres

Des templates pour aller plus vite, plus loin et gagner du temps.

Un live par mois de mentoring où je te conseillerais, guiderais et te ferais un retour personnalisé

Qui suis-je pour te proposer ça ? 

En savoir +

Description de toi en quelques phrases pour commencer à faire connaissance avec ton lecteur (potentiel prospect).
Décris ce qui t’anime et du but de ton business. N’hésite pas à y raconter un bout de ton histoire qui t’a mené vers la création de ton business.
À travers ton histoire, ton prospect peut se connecter à toi et même s’y reconnaître et vous trouver des points communs.

Hello, je suis Leah

Elles ont déjà testé et approuvé

There was no longer any doubt of icebergs being very near, for the sky that morning had a peculiarly brilliant aspect; the atmosphere was misty, and the northern sky glittered with an intense reverberation, evidently produced by the powerful reflection from the icebergs.



The steamer's course had been slightly altered in the night, three times the ship, being in water twenty-seven degrees Fahrenheit that is to say, five degrees below zero, had been turned towards the south.
There was no longer any doubt of icebergs being very near, for the sky that morning had a peculiarly brilliant aspect; the atmosphere was misty, and the northern sky glittered with an intense reverberation, evidently produced by the powerful reflection from the icebergs.



There was no longer any doubt of icebergs being very near, for the sky that morning had a peculiarly brilliant aspect; the atmosphere was misty, and the northern sky glittered with an intense reverberation, evidently produced by the powerful reflection from the icebergs.



The steamer's course had been slightly altered in the night, three times the ship, being in water twenty-seven degrees Fahrenheit that is to say, five degrees below zero, had been turned towards the south.
There was no longer any doubt of icebergs being very near, for the sky that morning had a peculiarly brilliant aspect; the atmosphere was misty, and the northern sky glittered with an intense reverberation, evidently produced by the powerful reflection from the icebergs.



Envie d’avoir les clés en mains, enfin les solutions ?

paiement x3


paiement x2


paiement x1


Rejoindre le programme 

Question 1

Question 1

Comment se passe la prestation ? 

réponse à la question

Question 2

Question 2

réponse à la question